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Shaw-Almex SmartPin Press

Shaw-Almex USA, Inc. is an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of industrial membrane presses.
Shaw Almex USA is proud to announce our digitally controlled Smart Pin™ Technology for the rapid changeover and placement of panels and the elimination of pedestals and riser boards. This truly automated process will slash labor costs 50% or more in thermoforming and thermofoil production.
Smart Pin™ Technology uses sophisticated imaging software to determine the correct pin setting for each tray load. Within seconds thousands of pins are reset eliminating the time consuming placement of pedestals. The Smart Pin™ system virtually eliminates the labor involved in the production, storage and retrieval of pedestals! This means a much cleaner working environment with comparable decreases in rejects, as well as significantly faster cycle times and greater throughput from each cycle. The smaller diameter round pins utilized in Smart Pin™ mean it can handle mullions and curved parts other systems can’t, and the individual pins can be deactivated manually or automatically through the control console.
Smart Pin™ is extraordinarily reliable because it does not utilize complex cylinders or valves to actuate the 2800 pins arrayed across the tray. Instead the revolutionary design is extremely easy and low cost to maintain, which maximizes uptime. Pin replacement can be accomplished in seconds and requires no special tools or skills! And there’s more…the Smart Pin™ system does not require any specialized training or skills to operate. Existing production personnel will quickly learn how to use the system and loading times will improve almost immediately. In addition, all other variables such as glue, vinyl and material preparation remain the same ensuring a smooth transition.