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Rapha-Systems Handels - GmbH

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For the optimal piece arrangement on the press-shuttle.

RAPHA PLAN is a new software and has been developed especially for the 3D-Thermoforming branch.

Several presses and foils need different setting-possibilities. RAPHA PLAN offers these possibilities on a simple and perspicuous kind.

The optimization-results will be shown by a graphic account - e.g. printed according the several foils types.

Through an open interface you import the orders by pressing a button.

If you would to like sum up several orders to one collective order, it's no problem for RAPHA PLAN.
If you would like to manage the press-parameter centrally, it's no problem for RAPHA PLAN.
If you would like to know the cost of the foil from one order, it's no problem for RAPHA PLAN.
One MOUSE-CLICK and RAPHA PLAN calculates non-useable foil, total consumption and the costs.

All in all RAPHA PLAN is not only branch-specific, optimisation software but also RAPHA PLAN offers solutions for calculations, materials management and work scheduling.


  • Variable setting-possibilities of margin and interstice
  • Tolerance dimension and correction dimension offers enlarged setting- possibilities particularly also for special foils (e.g. mirror finish, thicker and thinner foils, “problem foils”)
  • Collective orders
  • Parameter administration
  • Material administration
  • Open interface for your internal software
  • Single- and Multi-user capable

Design by www.werbecluster.at Design by www.werbecluster.at