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RFP-605 Restfoil Baler

PRESS STARTER MODEL - Foils remainder disposal in the smallest place - manual
threefold-binding with endless-polyester-band.


This baling press is especially recommended for every factory and will be positioned near the membranpress for quick and practical foils remainder disposal.

Advantages :

  • Perfect operator convenience.
  • Economic bale sizes for optimal truck workload and high marketing opportunities.
  • The TCS (Torsion Control System) prevents one-sided load during the press process.
  • Threefold around binding the bales with a special binding wire or polyester strap.
  • Patented material-hold-off system.
  • Serially integrated programs for cardboard boxes or foils.
  • Mechanical automatic material ejector - maintenance-free and functional and robustly and safely.

Technical Data:

Pressing power 60 kN
Press chamber depth 60 0mm
Loading height 655 mm
Loading aperture width 800 mm
Loading aperture height 495 mm
Press chamber width 800 mm
Bale length 800 mm
Bale width 600 mm
Bale height 600 mm
Baleweight (max.) 70 kg
Strapping material polyester band
Hourly bale output 3-6
Type of door double door
Door lock hand wheel
Driving power 1,5 kW
Voltage 3 x 400V or 230V
Frequency 50Hz
Depth 815 mm
Width 1190 mm
Height 1980 mm
Weight 480 kg

Design by www.werbecluster.at Design by www.werbecluster.at